Introduction to Jekyll

Try to learn the Jekyll and take some notes

Installation on Windows

Note: jekyll and Ruby version should be the same as GitHub website support version if using github website
Github config
Github guide

Install Ruby

Ruby download websit
After installation, in CMD:

ruby -v or gem -v          # check if ruby install sucessfully (show the version of Ruby)

Install RubyGems

RubyGems download website download ZIP files and in CMD:

cd RubyGems_file_dir      # change to the RubyGems file path
ruby setup.rb             # install RubyGems

Note: RubyGems only supports Ruby 3.0 or higher

Install Jekyll


gem install jekyll         # install jekyll
jekyll -v                  # check if jekyll install sucessfully (show the version of jeklly)

Note: jekyll and Ruby version should be the same as GitHub website support version if using GitHub website, GitHub config

gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.5"   # change the jekyll to specific version
gem unistall jekyll        # uninstall jekyll


Create a project


jekyll new projectname     # creat a new jeklyll project
cd projectdir              # to your dir where have the _config.yml file
bundle exec jekyll serve   # Start the local server (This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.) 
jekyll serve               # Start the local server 

Go to: http://localhost:4000 in browser

Note: if met problem shows lack of gem dependencies

bundle install             # install required dependencies

Commonly used commands


jekyll new PATH           # creat new project
jekyll new PATH --blank   # create a new blank project
jekyll build or jekyll b  # build project and generate _site dir
jekyll serve or jekyll s  # build and run the project
jekyll clean              # clean all the build object
jekyll new-theme          # build a new theme
jekyll doctor             # diagnosis, output disposed packages and problematic configs

Main directory

Possible problems

Dependency Error

image Solution: Add gem "jekyll-paginate" command in Gemfile

Version imcompatiable

Solution: In Gemfile, change the gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.5" to your own version

Load error

image Solution: bundle add webrick


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